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  • Band Vacancies - Spring 2025
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 26 Jan 2025

    We have some vacancies we'd love to fill in time for the start of the 2025 concert season!

    Bb Bass (loan instrument available)
    Trombone (loan instrument available)
    Bass Trombone

    We're a friendly welcoming band, who rehearse on a Wednesday evening in Scotforth Methodist Church. We do lots of lovely community events in spring and summer, with a varied and exciting programme!

    Don't worry if your background is in a different type of band - if you can read music and are happy to 'have a go' we'd love to welcome you.

    We had some fantastic success last year at Kirkby Lonsdale Contest:

    - First in our section (4th and unregistered)
    - Best Hymn Tune (in our section)
    - Most entertaining program overall

    We'd love to make a triumphant return this year!

    We have a lot of fun, but know when to put the work in too, so if you'd like to know more, email our band leader Antonia at 

  • A magical concert full of Christmas cheer
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 23 Dec 2024

    With over 100 tickets sold in support of Lancaster Men’s Hub, there was a lot of excitement leading up to our Charity Christmas Concert on Wednesday 11th December, as well as a few healthy nerves in anticipation!

    With the audience settled at King’s Community Church, the band made their entrance down the aisle, ready for their opening number, Pioneers March, a jaunty Salvation Army march which kicked off the concert.

    The first half took the audience on a journey through music from the movies, with Mary Poppins, Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines and a magical rendition of music from John William’s score of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.

    A good sprinkling of Christmas classics delighted the audience, with Sarah Chaloner on Cornet playing a beautiful solo of Away in a Manger. The band swayed along to Schneewalzer (not necessarily all in the same direction!), and kept the energy up with the Reindeer Express, before finishing off with crowd (and Terry Wogan) favourite Floral Dance.

    It was then time for cups of tea and mince pies during the interval, while the band mingled with friends and family, and people took the opportunity to chat to Lancaster Men’s Hub about their work.

    The second half saw a rousing kick off with Abba Gold, which the band had played at Kirkby Lonsdale Contest 6 months earlier, winning Most Entertaining Band, just one of three trophies bought home that day and all three were proudly displayed through the whole evening’s performance The audience were well warmed up by this point, singing Mamma Mia at the top of their voices!

    An alternative version of Jingle Bells was next, with Feliz Navidad being an unexpected latin twist to the Christmas tunes.

    Debbie Taylor then played the solo on How Great Thou Art, another piece that won an award at Kirkby in summer.

    Sleigh ride bought us back into December, with a lovely arrangement of Candlelight Carol before we heard from Mark Reynolds from Lancaster Men’s Hub, thanking the band and audience for their efforts.

    It was then into a very jolly last two pieces, with A Christmas Pop Selection featuring Wham, Band Aid, John and Yoko and Boney M, and Christmastime, which had been arranged by the bands previous Musical Director, Laurie Johnstone featuring some classic carols.

    Raucous applause came from the audience, and the answer to ‘Do you want one more piece?’ was met with a resounding yes! So it was time for a very strong finish with Slade’s Merry Christmas Everybody, again with plenty of audience participation!

    The audience were brilliant, the band worked hard, and on top of it all, over £1000 was raised for Lancaster Men’s Hub! We’re really looking forward to hearing how the money is spent over the next year.

    Thank you so much to everyone who bought a ticket, helped out on the door and with refreshments, the players that came along from neighbouring bands to help us out, King’s Community Church for hosting, and many more!

    From all at Lancaster City Brass, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  • Christmas season - where will we be?
  •  Date Posted: Fri, 8 Nov 2024
    Christmas season - where will we be?

    We’ll be busy little elves all through the Christmas season this year, playing lots of different events, so where can you find us?


    Saturday 23rd - Lancaster Christmas Market, Lancaster Brewery, 7:30pm

    Friday 29th - Light up a Life with St John’s Hospice, St Joseph’s Church, 6.30pm


    Sunday 8th - Caroling, St Nics Shopping Arcade, 10-12pm and 1-3pm

    Wednesday 11th - Charity Christmas Concert, King’s Community Church, 7.30pm Buy tickets

    Saturday 14th - Caroling, St Nics Shopping Arcade, 10-12pm and 1-3pm

    Saturday 21st - Caroling, St Nics Shopping Arcade, 10-12pm and 1-3pm


    Don’t forget to check back as there’s still a few jobs to be confirmed.

    Merry Christmas!

  • WINNERS! Kirkby Lonsdale Contest 2024
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 18 Jun 2024
    WINNERS!  Kirkby Lonsdale Contest 2024

    At the weekend Lancaster City Brass gained not one, not two but THREE prizes in the annual contest for 3rd section and unregistered bands in Kirkby Lonsdale. 

    The prizes we gained are:

    - First in our section (4th and unregistered) bands
    - Best Hymn Tune (in our section)
    - And we're especially thrilled to have received the prize for the most entertaining program!

    If you missed our performance or you want to listen again, you can do so by clicking here and selecting the album Kirkby Lonsdale Contest Entertainment Winners!  to find all our media for the event to play or view on your prefered digital music player (that supports MP4 video). 



  • We have vacancies in our band!
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 14 Feb 2023
    • Do you play a brass instrument?
    • Do you have time for a couple of hours every week on a Wednesday Evening?
    • Would you like to perform with a group of other musicians in various local venues throughout the year?
    • Do you live or could easily travel to Lancaster?

    if the answer to these questions is YES! we have some vacancies in our band that you might be interested in... 

    • Cornets - Positions negitiable
    • Bb Bass
    • Horn

    We're very fortunate to be almost at full strength, but with an expanding calendar of seated, standing and marching events it would be great to find additional players.

    It would be helpful if you're already at grade 5 standard, however we will support you to improve

    If you'd like to talk with the band leader about sitting in on a rehearsal or filling any of these opportunities, please call 01524 915115 or email on 

    We look forward to meeting you!


  • Garstang - Even better in the wet
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 7 Jun 2022
    There's something about the banging of the drum, the slipperyness of a wet road and the roar of a supportive crowd to encourage the start of 6000 step march around Garstang.   -- Always a favourite with the band, it was a pleasure to support this gala event. 
  • Happy Mount Park
  •  Date Posted: Tue, 24 May 2022
    Our first outing to Happy Mount Park of 2022 with our summer program, playing Teddy Bears Picnic and Light as Air.
    YouTube Video URL:
  • It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas
  •  Date Posted: Mon, 6 Dec 2021

    The first full day of caroling has been completed.. Many thanks to those who came to play, and many thanks to Sue for collecting. 

    We raised a little over £300 which is a great start :)

    It was great to turn out a band of 16 players, and we certainly startled more than a few pigeons.. !

    There were some lovely moments when we managed to gather some families, who seemed to enjoy the tunes. 

    Special thanks to Nicola and Ashley who curated the order and counted in wonderfully. 


    Christmas in the Arcade

  • Our Carol Adventures Begin
  •  Date Posted: Sat, 20 Nov 2021

    At this time of year the band spends many hours playing carols in shopping centres, and for festive events.

    Here's one of our favourites :)

  • Remembrance Sunday
  •  Date Posted: Sun, 14 Nov 2021

    We appreciated the opportunity with our fellow citizens, to remember with thanks the members of various organisations and armed forces from Lancaster who served to gain freedoms that we all enjoy today.

    A special mention of thanks also to band members, Antonia, Debbie and Ashley who played the Last Post and Reville in the memorial gardens and at the Priory Church.


    if anyone took any pictures or video of the parade, or gardens, please feel free to share them with us

Copyright © 2025 Lancaster City Brass