Book Tickets


7:00pm, Wed, 4 Feb 2026

Venue: In the School Room/ Lower Hall / former band room

Our Annual General Meeting will be held before the regular rehearsal. 
7pm Wed 10th January, 2024


  1. Welcome, Introduction.
  2. Acceptance / matters arising from previous minutes
  3. Votes for new committee members:%
    1. *Engagement Co-ordinator
    2. Safeguarding/Wellbeing co-ordinator
    3. *Secretary^
*Engagement and Secretary position can come with optional Trustee responsibility. 
^ Secretary would like to stand down, but will also be willing to continue if no other candidate arises.

%The term of election is usually a year and runs to, and is automatically considered 'resigned' at the AGM. (see constitution).
  1. Voting en-mass of remaining committee members %
For expediency, we will re-elect en-mass any committee member willing to remain in position.  However we actively seek nominations for any position
If you would like to stand for any position, please offer your name and indicate the position you would like to stand for here It would be helpful for this to be completed in advance of the meeting, but slips will also be available at the meeting.

  1. Financial Report – Treasurer.
  2. Subscription update – Treasurer.

The number of band jobs have stayed similar for the past 2 years, but our costs have increased.  We are also expecting increases in rent payments due to the cost of living increases.   We have been incrementing our job fees to attempt to mitigate the rises, but we need to do more to address the shortfall.  Note, if we lose two jobs in 2024 without full fee replacements we will operate in deficit.

The membership subscription rate [which contributes towards instrument repair/loan, uniform, music purchase, rehearsal space and MD costs] has remained at £5 a month (£60 a year) for many years.  It is difficult to increase the numbers of members beyond those required to construct the band, thus to further mitigate the increases we wish to raise the subscription rate.

  • Proposal 1: Increase the members subscription to £10 a month. £120 a year
  • Proposal 2: Increase the members subscription to £7.50 a month, £90 a year.
  • Proposal 3: Increase the members subscription by 10% annually, starting Jan 2024.
  1. Changing rehearsal times: Music Director
The committee would like to seek your view on changing the rehearsal format starting from Wed 17th Jan, to a single block of 90 mins with no mid-rehearsal break.  In all cases the building will be open for socialising and setup for 30 mins before (and with earlier finish times, potentially afterwards), and music distribution and salient notices may be given before the rehearsal begins. 
  • Proposal 1:  ready to play at 7:30 finishing at 9:00
    • Proposal 2:  ready to play at 8:00 finishing at 9:30
    • Proposal 3:  ready to play at 8.30 finishing at 10:00
  1. Questions from the assembly
  • We operate in a transparent way and previous committee minutes and decisions are available for reading on our website. 
  • Questions relating to governance of the band will be answered on the night, we welcome other ideas, questions and suggestions which will be more fully discussed in the next available committee meeting.
  • If you would like an idea specifically discussed at the AGM (that is not about the governance of the band) please send your proposal to the in advance to be added to the agenda.
  1. Date of Next AGM:
  • 29th Jan 2025 / 5th Feb 2025 tbc


Ticket type Price (each) Qty required


Young People Go Free!

  • under 18's when accompanied by a full ticket price adult
  • Please select the number of tickets (so we can ensure there is sufficient seating)




Why do we charge transaction fees for credit card payments for tickets?
  • All card payments attract both transaction fees (a % of the total) and a gateway fee (the merchant service) and there are annual fees for the transaction machinery and connectivity. -- Altogether these costs add up to over £300 a year.
  • To help offset that, we charge a simple 2% fee per transaction which helps to cover (but doesn't entirely cover) the fees.
We want as much money as possible raised to both support the band and our chosen annual charity.